Transformations into beta version Diablo III

Beta Diablo III – Fetish of a planetary scale. Invitations to her are waiting with great impatience than their birthday, they are composed of songs about her, and some lucky ones even have the opportunity to play it. But everything has its own price – over these elected developers constantly put their devilish experiments.

From time immemorial, Blizzard has created far from prying eyes, and the players reached an exceptionally finished product, debugged and verified. The tradition gave a crack with the appearance World of Warcraft. There, Blizzard first launched test servers, where new ideas were polished with the help of vulture testers in “combat” conditions. Maintaining feedback with players developers, apparently, liked it, and multiplayer Starcraft 2 Soon, too, was grinded in public mode.

With Diablo III, the “nearby” went even further and began to try on players not just balanced glasses, but whole game concepts. Therefore, since the time of our last visit, the Sanctory has noticeably transformed.

The recent tenth patch has become the richest of changes. And, perhaps, the most damp of all that struck fans of the eternally boring work of Blizzard. What did you want, beta!

Abilities and needs

First of all, the interface was twisted. The panel of the characteristics of the characters joined the window of the inventory, but the victims of this permut were fallen by the favorite of the public – the Jordanians Cauldant and the Nephalelem Cube. Now it is necessary to sell trophies in the old fashioned way, from merchants, and the analysis of things was shifted to the strong shoulders of the NPC-woe.

[[Bullet]] window analysis of objects from a blacksmith. Five tabs are already, perhaps, overkill.

The decision to abandon the cube and convey its functions to Kuznets, to put it mildly, doubtful – the blacksmith's menu has become overloaded, and there was an increase in the city. And how much noise around the boiler was: look, they say, how cool – we are confused by the habar, not looking up from the cutting of monsters! Was all this in vain?

But the stone of the return, which was previously located there, did not leave the game – only changed the name and place of registration. Now it is called the "portal to the city" and lives on the skills panel. I would like to believe that a cube with a boiler awaits such a rebirth.

► Inventory and character window before and after patch. Pay attention to the watch in the upper right corner.

But if you do not take into account the losses, it turned out well – the merger of the panel of characteristics with the backpack simplified the process of selecting equipment. No longer has to open an additional window, trying to understand which combination of weapons is more efficient.

The characteristics of the characters themselves have also changed. Instead of an attack, protection and accuracy with us, the good old power, dexterity and intelligence again. They did not touch the survivability – she, as before, is responsible for the number of hits – but the rest of the characteristics received additional functionality. Strength is responsible for the armor of all heroes and the damage of Barbara. Dexterity increases the chance to dodge each class and gives additional effectiveness to the attacks of the monk and hunter for demons. Intelligence gives a bonus to the healing areas of health and increases the damage of the wizard and sorcerer.

[[Bullet]] attempt to open this chest, as before, will lead to interesting consequences. But the thing hidden inside is worth it.

Now that each class has a “native” characteristic, magicians with swords and axes have gone the past. Instead of prohibiting players to pick up a “non -authorized” weapon, its use was simply made unprofitable. Thanks to a solid increase in intelligence, the final damage caused by the magician with the help of a artisan magic wand will be higher than the damage from a similar barbaric ax. And vice versa: Barbara now needs to wear weapons with bonuses to force, and “magical” things that increase intelligence are not for anything. Unless you want to "mate under the smart"!


[[Bullet]] new craft window. To create a “blue” thing, only gold and a little magical essence obtained by the analysis of other “blue” objects are required.

Cutting out of the game “excess”, the developers at the same time removed simple craft details – the very ones that were required to create any thing and were spent on increasing the level of blacksmith. Now only money and special components are needed – magical, rare and legendary; they can be obtained when analyzing objects of the corresponding classes. "Straps", as ordinary details were called by the people, as if united with money – now craft "eats" more. And if earlier I had to disassemble “white” things to simple details, now they should be sold: money made from the sale of five ordinary things, just enough for the manufacture of one magical. The training books for the improvement of NPC-craftsmen were also abolished-from now on to improve the quality of work, there is enough monetary investment.

[[Bullet]] Changes in the skills panel is by no means cosmetic: the cell moved under the bottle, the hero’s characteristics button disappeared, instead of it now – the portal to the city.

By the way, it became a little larger to fall out of gold, but for an unknown reason, the scrolls of the companions, calling for a short time diverse animals that help collect gold, disappeared. In the description of the patch, nothing is said about this, so perhaps they were thrown out by mistake when they removed the identification scroll from the game.

Heroes now themselves determine what kind of curiosity has fallen this time – just poke in the object with the right button, stand for a few seconds, frowning the eyebrows, and the thing will show all the characteristics. Reasonable, because disposable scrolls of identification looked against the background of a rudimentary return stone. And again – one reason to jump into the city has become less.

[[Bullet]] identification will now require us only a few seconds of free time. Comfortable.

The game left the altar, from whom we changed the character's build. From now on, the ability can be changed anywhere, at least on the run or in battle. However, to use the updated “assembly” will allow no earlier than half a minute after a “hot” replacement.

Important little things

[[Bullet]] From now on penny items with such indicators – the norm.

Some items have acquired more solid characteristics. If earlier the average newcomer belt gave from one to five points of armor, now the usual scatter is 11-20. Increasing the armor class four times is, frankly, from the heart!

The level of the blacksmith began to influence the characteristics of the manufactured things more strongly. There was a reason to delay the moment of creation of the little thing longer and first feed the blacksmith with money. Put a couple of thousand in gold in it – and things became a good 20% better. But do not be surprised if the blacksmith assures that he will make a helmet with a defense of 46, in fact he isshes more modest – with armor 37. The highest limit of the quality of the thing done is shown, and at the time of creating an object, His Majesty enters the game with a rand.

[[Bullet]] window of reporting the successful completion of the quest has become larger and much prettier.

There are unexpectedly many small innovations, much more than reported in the official description of the patch. A new Low FX option has appeared in the properties, which allows to lower the effects of particles, which is important for weak video cards. Next to the name of the area above the map now there are a convenient small watch, which before, to be honest, there really was not enough. The last pleasant trifle was the updating of magazines in the houses of Liya and Cain after the salvation of Descard – having done your socially useful business, you can go and read new pages.

From the funny – immediately after the release of the patch, a serious mistake was found. The wizard's disintegration spell began to lead to by no means a magical flight of the game. In Blizzard, they learned about the bug quickly, and after a few hours it became impossible to create a mag character. After a day, the error was completely corrected. But the Ping problem, which after the update does not fall below 200, most likely will not be decided so soon.

* * *

[Bullet]] None of the characters after the patch left the game – which means that the party of evil fighters continues!

We will summarize. Madly sorry for the pot and cube that saved us from routine return to the city. There is, however, the hope that they will be returned – it is unlikely that Blizzard will move away from the chosen policy of “less routine, more action”. With the tenth patch, they completely abandoned frosts with scrolls, allowed to transfer the abilities “on the fly”, made more ergonomic inventory. Why spoil everything with the need to run to the city for unloading? There is no need.

Of course, it is extremely strange to see serious mistakes in the results of the work of the infallible Blizzard. But this is the price of an “open” development process. In conditions of confidentiality, such troubles happen no less – just then no one sees them except the creators.

Watching Diablo III to mind is interesting – as if the artist’s work. They will draw here, they will erase it, they will be exhausted with white and rest. Creative process, whatever one may say! And the last patch clearly showed that this process will last a long time. Blizzard perfectionists in their repertoire.